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We’ve helped students achieve their career and study goals with hundreds of scholarships.  Our TAFE Queensland scholarships are available to reduce the barrier to accessing training and for high achievement.

Our scholarships, as well as those we’ve created in partnership with employers, industry, governments and other organisations, are available to current and future students.

Because each of our scholarships is different it’s important to review the eligibility criteria, open and closing dates and the terms and conditions.

Access and equity scholarships


Access and equity scholarships are awarded to students who can demonstrate a genuine interest in and commitment to their chosen career and identify themselves with one or more of the following categories:


  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
  • significant caring responsibilities
  • a disability or long-term medical condition or illness
  • long-term unemployed (longer than 6 months)
  • sole parent
  • suffering significant financial difficulties or
  • social barriers to study
  • another specified disadvantage.

Access and equity scholarships are worth $5,000 with $3,000 paid at commencement and $2,000 later in the course depending on the type of course you are studying. You can use your scholarship to meet costs such as course fees, tuition costs, textbooks or other study materials, uniforms, childcare, travel costs and more. 

Apply for a scholarship

Merit scholarships

Our merit scholarships are awarded to students who can demonstrate outstanding academic merit or demonstrate strong work performance along with the demonstrable desire to secure ongoing employment within the industry to which they applied for the scholarship.

Merit scholarships are worth $5,000, comprising of a $2,500 fee waiver applied to your course fees, and a $2,500 cash component.  The cash component of the scholarship can be used to meet costs such as course fees, tuition costs, textbooks or other study materials, uniforms, childcare, travel costs and more.

Register to receive updates on open dates for the merit scholarships>>

Apply for a scholarship


Applying for a scholarship

To apply for a scholarship you will need to complete the online application form.  When you apply you will have the opportunity to attach documentation to support you application such as resume, letters of support, certificates etc. You will also need to provide evidence that you are or will become a domestic student including certified copy of their passport, birth certificate, citizenship certificate or applicable visa. The selection committee will use this information to make sure you are eligible and to assess your application.


Register your interest for future scholarships

Assessment process and timelines

Scholarships will be assessed and awarded annually, for start of study in Semester 1 the following year. The selection committee will assess the information you provide in your application, against the identified selection criteria. Following the selection process, you will receive notification of the outcome of your application.

External Scholarship Opportunities


In addition to TAFE Queensland scholarships, there are a range of external grants and scholarships on offer from other organisations that you may be eligible for to assist with study and training costs and other related expenses.


For further information and applications please contact each company or organisation directly.

Financial assistance offered to one student enrolled in a full time, accredited Australian education institution studying a certificate, diploma, degree, or traineeship in any of the medicine, health sciences, healthcare, and/or specialist healthcare.


For more information please visit the Choosi website.

The Queensland Overseas Foundation offers scholarships for recent vocational education and training (VET) sector graduates and tradespeople who want to work overseas, and bursaries to VET trainers and assessors to fund their attendance at recognised international courses, workshops, work placement, events or activities with professional development benefits.


For more information please visit the Queensland Overseas Foundation website.

Financial support for a student pursing a career in the energy and resources sector. You must be enrolled full time in in an accredited Australian Tertiary Education Institution and be studying for a certificate, diploma, degree or traineeship in mining engineering, process engineering, geology, metallurgy, or similar fields.


For more information please visit the Quentin Flannery Resources Scholarships website.

Financial assistance available to one eligible student studying a certificate, diploma, degree or traineeship full time in either business, finance, medicine, healthcare or specialist healthcare, at an accredited Australian tertiary education Institution.


For more information please visit the Real Futures Grant website.

The RSL Queensland Scholarship program aims to empower ex-Defence personnel, partners and their children by supporting them through tertiary study or vocational training. Three scholarship types are available: ex-defence, partner, and veteran dependant.


For more information please visit the RSL Queensland website.

The Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships Program (RRESP) has been introduced to improve access to and completion of tertiary education courses for students from regional and remote areas in Australia in STEM courses.


For more information please visit the RRESP website.

The Pinnacle Foundation provides annual scholarships for LGBTIQ+ Australians who are at least 17 years of age and younger than 27 years of age on the closing date for scholarship applications, who are planning to study full-time education at a public institution of higher education in Australia, for the purpose of gaining an educational or vocational qualification in any profession, trade or the arts.


For more information please visit the Pinnacle Foundation website.

WorldSkills Australia holds a number of competitions on a regional, national and international level over a two-year cycle. They also offer scholarships to participants to help pursue further skills development through study, work and financial support.


For more information please visit the WorldSkills Australia website.

Contributing to TAFE Queensland Scholarships

Scholarship donations

Any individual, organisation or industry partner is able to contribute to the program through donations or sponsorship.

Donate to the TAFE Queensland Scholarship Foundation


Visa contributions

Employer sponsors can make a contribution to meet Training Benchmark requirements.

Make a visa contribution